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  • Writer's pictureJ C Thomas

Reach Out And A Helping Hand Will Be There

Updated: Mar 30, 2018

Accountability. It’s that dreaded little word that forces us to do things we really do not want to do. It’s the difference between meeting a goal in an efficient manner and procrastination. It’s not something that comes easily to many of us but it is absolutely necessary.

I recently started using a Fitbit to track my fitness goals. Now, I’m a pretty healthy individual…no smoking or drinking alcohol, I’m vegan and I try to stay away from junk food. I maintain a very healthy weight and do my best to stay in shape so I really did not see the point in tracking my steps on a daily basis. Then a coworker invited me to join a challenge group on the Fitbit app. I can see the progress of the women in the group and cheer them on as they reach their goals. Plus, a little friendly competition never hurts. (I’m gonna crush them, btw!) My point is that it really helps me to stay motivated when I know there are others watching me. Call it foolish pride but I cannot fall short of my daily goals when my progress is out there for all (in the group) to see! That’s how accountability works.

We all tend to shy away from the difficult tasks in life when there are more fun things to do instead. We naturally abandon the idea of having an accountability partner because it’s so much easier to procrastinate knowing that no one is there to call us on our stuff. However, it is so imperative to step up your game and get those difficult goals accomplished! You can crush them when you have a support system behind you. Just knowing that someone has your back is enough to light that fire under your feet. When you have a partner or group who lift you up unconditionally and never judge you but gently love and support you, life becomes so much more delicious!

Embrace the idea of accountability. Reach out to someone who can be that rock in your life and help you to stay on track to fulfill your life’s purpose. The mutual support is paramount to your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and well-being. Whether you want to lose weight, have a healthier lifestyle, get out if the house and socialize more or overcome a specific fear don’t try to go it alone. If you reach out, someone will be there to hold your hand. Never let fear keep you stagnant. After all, the comfort zone is a beautiful place to dwell but nothing grows there; nothing changes. Growth comes from the difficult choice to step outside the box and thrive. Here’s to your health! Keep shining!

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